While it doesn’t qualify as a crisis, or even a big problem, I have a situation. The six jars of absolutely amazing wine jellies made by Deanna Ferry in Valley City, OH that I bought at the Fabulous Food Show back in November are all gone. This makes me sad. Unless you’ve tried them, you simply can’t imagine how wonderful they are. My stock included Shiraz & Bay Leaf; Riesling & Tarragon; Pinot Noir Smoked Cherry; Pinot Grigio & Basil; Chardonnay & Rosemary; and Merlot Black Peppercorn. I’d match them up with cheeses, and both were better for the partnership. Each one was my favorite until I tried another. Now I love them all equally- just like I do my kids.
To make my stash last, I used them sparingly, was stingy when it came to sharing, and saved them for special moments and meals. This miserly behavior was prompted by the fact that the woman doesn’t have a website for online ordering. I only had a brochure with the company name- the awkward Garden.Vineyard.Grove, Ltd.- her phone number and email address. I feared it would be a big hassle to re-supply. But I need more wine jelly. I’m yearning to taste the Sauvignon Blanc & Ginger, the Cabernet & Chocolate, along with mustards, fruit leather, and other stuff she does. Finally, I called.
She was making strawberry butter. There’s good news and bad news. Ferry prepares everything she sells herself in small taste-tested batches, and even grows the herbs she uses. It takes her two hours to cook up 12 jars of jelly, and she adjusts each batch depending on the vintage’s particular profile and the strength of the herbs. Needless to say production is limited so there’s no guarantee she’ll have everything on her list, anytime I want it. On the positive side, it turns out it’s easy to get her products shipped to my front door. Some of her culinary creations are also available at The Cheese Shop in the Westside Market , at Nature’s Bin in Lakewood, at the NorthUnion Farmer’s Market in Shaker Square the last Saturday of every month, and at Crocker Park market every 3rd Saturday. For a product list and order form contact Ferry at 330-483-3359 or deannaferry@zoominternet.net
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