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Skincare Sunday's

Have't we all heard this story before? Half of your face feels and looks dehydrated, while the other is oily with spots. I called this angry skin days and it happens even to the best of us. So ladies take this Sunday I am making it a makeup free day and treating my skin to a little indulgence. 

GLAMGLO Supermud Clearing Treatment 
I don't have acne prone skin but like many women I experience the odd breakout on the chin. 
Usually hormonal or stressed based these breakouts of completely unavoidable, sucks right? 
So for these horrible occasions I always whip out GLAMGLO's Supermud!
This mud mask contains AHA and lactic acid which both help chemically exfoliate the skin. I am a huge fan of chemical exfoliators because they are extremely effecitve yet generally pretty gentle. Next to the ingredient  list is charcoal which helps draw out excess oil. Overall this helps clear out skin and in my experiences helps draw out imperfections yet also helps minimize them.  
I will say this is extremely effective at fighting spots however it is slightly drying. Which means I like to avoid any delicate skin areas and only use this on my chin or where ever I might have a spot.  

Clarins Blue Orchid Oil 
Can you mask an oil? Yes you sure can. 
So over the past week the temperatures have been dropping here in Ontario and we even got snow on Halloween. Weather forecasts aside we put the heat on this week and I am now left with dry, dehydrated forehead. The quickest way to get a dose of hydration is with generous helping of the Clarins Blue Orchid oil. I simply add a thick coat of this on my forehead and let it naturally absorb into the skin and voila skin is left restored. 
Clarins Blue Orchid oil contain's rosewood, pachouli and blue orchid. The three act together to nurture dry skin types. I should also mention to my eczema suffer's out there that this will not anger your sensitive skin. I love this stuff and in the winter I can't and won't be without. 

So that is all for today! 
Off to take advantage of the sunlight for blog pictures, clean the house and to get rid of the halloween decorations. 
Till Tuesday post! 

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