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Thank You Giveaway!

Last summer I decided to start blogging on the regular. My first post I ever wrote was a note to myself about skincare, hesitant to post I pushed publish anyway. Why so reluctant you ask? I suppose a part of me was shy to put myself out there to be honest, which on a side note is strange. Truth is I’m not a shy at all!

I think all of us blog for the different reasons for me it’s to share my passion for makeup, skincare, nail polish, hell I’ve even did a post on napkin rings. At the core of it I blog to connect with you guys…
Yes this is turning into a ramble, but I am so thankful. Thankful for the support of my family, friends and new friends I've met through blogging, the comments, the tweets and the likes.
To show my appreciation I thought I would do a little giveaway. 
Surprise surprise  it's from THEFACESHOP! 

If you have read my Bebe Lip Essence and Bebe Lip Mask review you will know I have been loving this duo. If you haven't you can click here to read it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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