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Week 446: 24hr Purge - Don't Stop Me Now

Weekly Written Review 

On Wednesday, March 13th/Week 443, I sent in an audition video that I really enjoyed producing. I developed the character and took advantage of his temper outbursts. It was fun. When I enjoy a self-tape, I'll send it in, continue to review it a few times, dismiss it, then move forward. The very next day my agent emailed me about the audition stating that casting needs me to sign an NDA. This is interesting and unusual because I'm accustomed to signing an NDA after I book the gig. Normally I sign NDA's on the first day of the shoot. I don't recall ever signing an NDA after sending in an audition tape. It's possible I might've done that before but I doubt it. I signed it, then downplayed the action. They probably sent it to everybody that auditioned for the role. It doesn't make sense to get too excited over nothing. It's a big role for a big network so they're probably being extra cautious.

On Monday of this week, I got that Actors Access cMail notification. That's like hitting the lottery, in most cases. I checked it and noticed I have an upcoming audition on Thursday. Upon closer review, the description started to look really familiar. To my surprise, it's actually a callback from the Week 443 audition. This is kind of a big deal because I've never a truly had a callback for a speaking role from a big network before. This is my first. It's great news but I played it cool. I dedicated most of my Thursday to prepping for the callback. The audition time was set for 4:45pm. I got there before 4pm and patiently waited until my time. I was prepared to do the same thing I did in my self-tape. That's not what they wanted. After the first take, I was given a new direction. I took the direction, applied it and the response was "perfect." The same thing happened with the second scene and I got the same response. I got direction for the third scene and it was unnecessary to do a second take. She liked it. They thanked me for coming and I went on my way. On the way home, I wanted to treat myself to a fruit drink but I opted out for some tamarind.

Slowly after leaving the audition, my spirit began to drift below the surface. I didn't want to do anything but lay down and sleep. There's something about the audition process, particularly the audition room that weakens my moral after the experience.  Just over 24hrs later I was back in full effect. Then I remembered I have a recovery process. I need at least 24hrs to purge myself auditions I'm fully invested in. The audition is now behind me but the opportunity slides in and out of my mind from time to time. Over the weekend, I concluded that I did pretty good at the callback. I took their direction and applied it. There's a chance every actor did well at the callback. It will probably come down to looks. The question is, does my look fit with the looks of the family they're trying to put together? It's not in my hands anymore. I gave my all and I believe my all represented quality.

It's a big project and I overheard casting talking about offers being sent out. They start shooting May 20 - October. I'm assuming they'll inform the actor that booked the role early next week (447). This callback represents my first callback for a supporting role for a well-known network so that within itself is a big accomplishment. I just got to keep pushing and fighting for more callbacks like this. More callbacks like this are in my future and that special booking isn't far behind.

In the words of Fredy Mercury,
I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go, go, go
There's no stopping me
I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm traveling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call
Don't stop me now ('cause I'm having a good time)
Don't stop me now (yes, I'm havin' a good time)
I don't want to stop at all
I became obsessed with this song over the weekend. It's good nutrition for the soul. Listen for yourself.


Sunday, March 31, 2019

*Aaron's House commercial editing...

* Screenplay submission

* Fitness Boxing...

* RIP Nipsey Hustle. I wasn't familiar with him before his death but the news certainly affected me. I had a very low spirited Monday because of it.

* Audition notice...

Monday, April 1, 2019

* Recycling...

* Dealing tax crap. Had to make copies of stuff and mail it off.

* Reading a script for an upcoming movie role

* Aaron's House uploading

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

* Basketball...no wins today. Terrible!!! I decided to start applying myself to wake up earlier in the morning due to my performance today.  I also hurt my left pinky finger today. I had to ice it a little the next day.

* Blogging...

* Aaron's House IG editing

* Amazon orders for MaTown...

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

* Hair cut

* Audition prep

* Basketball...work up around 9:15am. That's a record. Lost the first game terribly but my team went on the dominate after that. Around 4 straight wins. I hurt my right thumb but all is good.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

* Audition callback for a supporting role. Not a bad audition but I certainly wasn't spiritually lifted by the experience. By default, I treated myself to tamarind fruit after the audition.

Friday, April 5, 2019

* Reunion work...

* Computer work...

* Pulling weeds for some extra cash by my landladies request

* Sometime around 8pm I fully recovered from yesterday's audition

Saturday, April 6, 2019

* Helping Cole move wood onto a Uhaul truck. Made some quick cash to pay my rent.

* Made me a fruit salad. It's my first time making myself a fruit salad at my place in LA.

* QTw..Rh

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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