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i'm back!! how to return home from world travel and not get spent

You would think spending my days windowshopping for models, producing indulgent recipes, and chatting away with 'sisters from other mothers' would be an enviable way to live, but the truth is I sometimes want to run away from it all. That might explain why I took off to slow travel around the world in hopes of an undeniable wake up call. As a woman, the surging pressures of exhaustion, stress, and lack of motivation is enough to make us throw in the proverbial towel no matter how glamorous our life may seem to others (can I get an amen from  30 year old interns). But it doesn’t have to be that way.  You know how I know? Well, like an acute idiot, I decided to plan my trip home right before Thanksgiving. Can anyone ask for a more overwhelmingly chaotic time to get off the plane? Lights, sounds, commercially driven conspicuous consumption. My head would literally float off my body this was two years ago. Holidays are definitely a time when keeping up with the Joneses is do or die. But I've never felt more calm and ready to take on [enter challenge here].

I have read each and every one of your lovely comments here on the blog and privately through email, and while I know most to you are completely revved up to one day leave the strappy sandals behind and take a leap of your own to travel to faraway fantastical destinations, it doesn't take travel to have an epiphany that a little self-care and mindfulness can go along way. Do something for yourself that doesn't involve a plane or train ticket. You don't have to cross the Atlantic Ocean to feel a bit whole.

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