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Three Nail Polish Removers #1 // Beauty Outlet & Wilko

Nail Polish Removers Review // Beauty Outlet & Wilko

Nail Polish Removers Review // Beauty Outlet & Wilko

Since becoming obsessed with doing my nails I'm reading more and more articles about caring for your nails. In the old days I just used to think polish remover was well polish remover and there wasn't any difference between them. I thought it smelled horrible and left my nails looking white and dry. However, since then I've learnt that removers differ vastly and I'm now on the search for the best remover. 

Beauty Outlet // Gel Polish Remover (150ml - £1.49)

I bought this after trying to do clean up with standard nail polish remover that I bought around 10 years ago. As you can tell I never used to do my nails that regularly (like once every 3 months) and so remover would last me years. However, since I've started doing nail art, I've gone through a 150ml in just under two months. 

This is blazingly fast as a clean up remover and allows you to create sharp lines. It evaporates almost instantly and leaves the skin feeling ice cold. Because of how powerful it is though I found that it would often mess up the polish (especially since I always wear a peel off base coat) and cause it to bunch up and lift prematurely. I try to avoid using it to remove my polish completely though because it's extremely drying and the skin looks white after using it. The scent is quite strong but not as bad as others. I would probably re-purchase this as back up for when I have nothing else but after trying others it isn't my favourite.

Beauty Outlet // Acetone Free Remover (150ml - £1)

This I want to throw in the bin because it's absolutely useless. It can't remove regular creme polish for shit so forget about glitter, no matter how long you leave it on. I've only used this a couple of times before I realised acetone-free remover is a gimmick and should never be used. Forget about clean up, you'll be there for eternity swiping your nails and afterwards you'll be left with dry skin. In the unlikely event it does manage to remove something, the nails are left dry and flaky. I would pour this down the drain but I'm scared the drains will forever smell of this horrid product.

Wilko // "Lift Off" Nail Polish Remover (250ml - £1)

The last remover did not smell great but winner of the unholy nail polish remover scent goes to this thing. With the gel remover running out quickly and the acetone free being useless, I picked this one up whilst doing a quick shop. I was lured in by the "fast acting formula" claim and the "lift-off" slogan. I thought this would solve my problems as it contains vitamins and glycerine as well as being predominately acetone; boy was I wrong. I hate this stuff; it smells god awful. No amount of ventilation will save you; the scent will follow you to the ends of the earth and after all that it will maybe remove some polish. But your nails will be left white and dry and they'll stink for ages. Clean up is a joke with this stuff so like the acetone free it's now languishing on my shelf as I'm unsure of what to do with them. 

And that's it for this post. Look out for another one next month as I have a few more that I've been trialling; one of which I think is a keeper and only £2.50!

Nail Polish Removers Review // Beauty Outlet & Wilko

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