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Innisfree Intensive Hydrating Serum

Hey everyone! How was your weekend? I stayed up way too late and then was not prepared at all for the school week. I'm missing summer soooooo bad :(

For the past week I've been trying out the Innisfree Intensive Hydrating Serum, which was gifted to me by preen.me. I did a little research about Innisfree and learned some really cool stuff. This brand sells natural Korean beauty products and this serum is one of their best sellers.

Here's some more info from their website: Innisfree offers products that are created with natural ingredients responsibly sourced from Korea's Jeju Island. The formulas in these products work for all skin concerns without the use of harmful chemicals and preservatives. They are also formulated with an average of 80% naturally-derived ingredients (wow!)

Let's talk about the Intensive Hydrating Serum ($25). Packed with amino acid and minerals, this balanced blend of Green Tea Extract and Green Tea Seed Oil works to replenish your optimal moisture level and create a strong moisture barrier to keep your skin moisturized longer. I think this will be perfect for my dry winter skin!

How to use: After cleansing, pump a few drops (I use two) of serum into your hand and gently pat it to clean, dry skin for optimal absorption. You really want to do this immediately after washing your face to lock in the moisture.

What I noticed after a week of use was pretty surprising. To be honest I never have high expectations for products like these. The first morning after I used this serum my skin was actually GLOWING. I was like wait what and literally did a double take in the mirror. After a week of use my skin seems brighter and definitely more hydrated.

I'm eyeing their pore clearing clay mousse mask to try next. Head over to http://us.innisfree.com/ to check out more of their cool products!



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