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Review: Models Own Colour Chrome Collection nail polish (Chrome Blue)

Hey Beauties!

I'm sure you've seen new Models Own collection all over the blogs. I know I have. Models Own has made chrome collection of nail polishes, which give a unique finish of liquid metal. Let me just state that I am absolutely not a fan of these finishes, but I will still give you an objective review, since not everything is for everyone.

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Models Own Colour Chrome Collection is formulated so that it gives you unique liquid metal effect. Each nail polish gives you super shiny foil finish.

The packaging is glass bottle with plastic top. However, the whole packaging is in the shade of the nail polish, which is very convenient. You get 11 ml of product and it costs 5.95€ on Click2Chic here

I got the shade called Chrome Blue, which is light blue metal shade on the nails. It actually seems to have silver undertone to it, because of the chrome finish. 

The formula of nail polish is pretty liquid and very pigmented. I think one coat could be enough, if it would be thick enough, but I always apply two coats. You can see how it looks like with one coat and with two coats. Because the finish is metal, it's nice if you make very straight strokes, because if you wiggle the brush in any other way, this will be noticeable on the nails.

Nail polish dries extremely quick, which I think is the same with most of the metal finish nail polishes. It seems to have been pretty long lasting even without the top coat. 

The finish is obviously as described, very shiny, looks like liquid metal and it gives of a foil like shine. If you love these kind of finishes, than I'm sure you'll love this collection. There are more shades available to chose from.

Prepričana sem, da vas je večina videla novo Models Own kolekcijo na drugih blogih. Vsaj jaz sem. Models Own je ustvaril krom kolekcijo lakov, ki dajejo unikaten finiš tekočih kovin. Najprej moram pojasniti, da sama absolutno nisem navdušenka takih finišev, ampak bom vseeno podala svojo objektivno oceno, saj vem da vse ni za vsakogar.

Models Own Colour Chrome kolekcija je formulirana tako, da daje unikaten videz tekoče kovine. Vsak lak ustvari zelo sijoč finiš folije.

Embalaža je steklena steklenička s plastičnim pokrovčkom. Celotna embalaža laka je pobarvana v barvo laka, kar je zelo priročno. V laku je 11 ml izdelka in cena je 5.95€ na Click2chic tukaj

Jaz imam odtenek Chrome Blue, ki na nohtih izgleda svetlo modro kovinski. Meni deluje kot da ima siv podton zaradi krom finiša.

Tekstura laka je precej tekoča in zelo pigmentirana. En sloj je dovolj, če je ta dovolj debel, ampak jaz vedno nanesem dva sloja. Na fotografiji se vidi kako izgleda z enim slojem in kako z dvema. Ker gre za kovinski finiš, je lepo če so potegi čopiča čim bolj ravni. Če ustvarimo na nohtu preveč vijugic, bodo te vidne na nohtu.

Lak se posuši ekstremno hitro, kar je značilno za večino lakov s kovinskim finišem. Zdel se mi je kar obstojen glede na to da nisem uporabila nadlaka.

Finiš je kot opisan. Zelo sijoč, uzgleda kot tekoča kovina in daje sijaj folije. Če obožujete tak finiš, potem je ta kolekcija zagotovo za vas. Na voljo je več različnih odtenkov.

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