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Cup of Tea and good reading!

It's just short of 2pm and I've finished all my house work, the laundry is washed, ironed and put away...the floors are swept and mopped....the living room is clean and tidy and I'm just sitting down to a cup of hot tea.

I don't have to pick up the kids for another 45 minutes so I'm going to enjoy this quiet time with my books and magazines.

Earlier this morning I returned some books to the library and then of course, I couldn't leave without filling my little tote bag with some more. Then I stopped at the BX and picked up some magazines too.

Oh this magazine just makes me all sorts of happy

Not only is it pretty to look at but they always have some of the best recipes, ever!

How neat are those blue bottles?

Just imagine waking up every day to this view? I would probably spend a lot of time in bed though LOL
One of the library books I got is called The Smart Approach to Kid's Room. I'm trying to redo the kids bedrooms and this book has tons of awesome ideas.

This one below just screams Jasmine to me.
And the kitchen, I mean, this kitchen could have been built in my name, I could see myself in there cooking and baking
Yeah, I want a bedroom like that, not sure how Curt would enjoy it though, he may run screaming because of all the pink and ruffly stuff LOL

So here's a list of what I picked up and I can't wait to start reading:

Romantic Country
Victoria May/June
Victoria July/August
Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion
Country Living

Laura Ashley Bedrooms
The Smart Approach to Kid's Rooms
Country Home New Country Style

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