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Future Cookies~For Valentine's day..or not~

The boys..the two bigger boys ..came for a visit Sunday..
Lucas practiced his class presentation in front of us:-)

A star is born:)  In our eyes~
Did some math..while Max did crafts..they played chess..a lovely indoor afternoon on a very chilly day..
Their mom had told me they had enjoyed reading their fortunes at the Chinese Food resto they went to..
I decided to make some for them:-)
I made some ap.20 years ago..
For a girl get together..
I had wanted special ladies to meet..in the hope of matching 2 female friends recently widowed..and in the hope of ..kind of.. sort of ...arranging a meeting for a new relationship for a woman I knew at that time..and a man I had met..
The first never panned out ..but the latter married.
I remembered the cookies as being good:-)
I knew it was a Martha recipe..but tried a new one..
I should have stuck to the Martha..although it had a drawback too..the middle is never as crispy as the outer parts....they're not soft...but not crunchy..
However..these worked fine..and I like the whole idea of fortune cookies..
As a young girl..my mom and I sometimes went to Bamboo Village for Chinese food after church.
I loved it so much..the treat..the company..:-)
Spare ribs..chicken soo-guy..pineapple chicken..egg rolls..almond cookies..fortune cookies..
This is 45 -50 years ago..I can't believe those numbers when I say or read them.
I told Max I was 25:-) not a real lie..it was like a comparison..to his art teacher:-)
So how could this be?
I still remember it all.
We never went out..maybe that is why:-) It has made an indelible wonderful memory in my mind..
So..I made the cookies..wrote the fortunes and prepared tea for my 7 and 5 yr old grandsons..Chinese tea!

I was prepared..I know them:-)
And so it was...

Oh but could we have chocolate milk instead Nana?
Oh but could we just read the futures Nana?And not actually eat the cookies?

Now ..the title of my post makes sense..Lucas calls them Future cookies..I said ..they are fortune cookies Lulu..

No..future..they tell the future..
Well..to me they are  Now Future Cookies and I always plan on making them rosy.
For everyone.
Every future I will write:-)

La recette~

2 large egg whites
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp pure almond extract
3 tbsps vegetable oil
3 tsps water..
8 tbsps flour
1 1/2 tsps cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
8 tbsps sugar

First of all write some fortunes on paper:)  Have them ready..

Preheat oven to 300F

In a bowl with a mixer beat the first 5 ingredients until slightly frothy..

add the rest of the ingredients that you have sifted together before..

Drop by tbsps full on a Silpat..  and spread to ap 3 inches..keeping them 3 inches apart..
Bake until the edges start to brown..about 14-15 minutes..

When done remove from oven..I placed my fortune..folded over then folded again by hoding it over a mug:)

Then I put it in a muffin tin..

Bake only a few at a time..:)

You can watch the video here..but the recipe and recipes,are on many many sites..I found the recipe somewhere else:)

And found the video here..

Fun for kids..:)  and for adults to make~

Remember? When we used to say this? Now it feels as if I am full for 2 days:)
Found on Google..

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