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Skiavoros: Sovereign

Plasma rifle.
I've started experimenting with the Combined Army and the Skiavoros was the first miniature I painted.  The challenge in the painting is in keeping a unified palette on such varied models.

This model I'll use as my Lieutenant.  With a plasma rifle and Ghost Mnemonica- he is an expendable Lieutenant who can take the fight to the enemy.

Overall his scheme came out a bit dull- which is disappointing- but hopefully there will be a new model released in the coming year anyway so I'm not too bothered.

Priming and base coating
He was reasonably easy to assemble except for his two antennae on his back which keep snapping off.

Beginning the detailing
I wasn't sure what colour to paint the 'muscles'.  Given that he is a cybernetic construct- I went with the glowing blue muscle fibre effect.  I'm not that happy with it- and it was very time intensive to do- so I don't think I'll be doing that effect again.

Plasma rifle
For some reason that now escapes me, I elected to paint on some boney spikes on the plasma rifle and the end of the tail.  It doesn't make that much sense on a cybernetic warrior but it's done now and I won't be changing it.

Grabbing a head
Painting the corpse was annoying.  Having finished the model and then go on to paint a scenery extra was like pulling teeth.

Scanning for a target
Until next time.

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